来源: 最后更新:23-03-04 12:07:38
Let's sing a song about colors.
Let's sing the colors song.
Blue blue, what is blue?
The sky is blue. The sky is blue.
Green green, what is green?
The grass is green. The grass is green.
Yellow, what is yellow?
The big round sun is yellow.
Orange, what is orange?
The pumkin is orange.
And brown, what is brown?
Brown is the earth in the ground.
Let's sing a song about colors.
Let's sing the colors song.
Red red, what is red?
The butterfly is red. The butterfly is red.
Pink pink, what is pink?
The flower is pink. The flower is pink.
Purple, what is purple?
The eggplant is purple.
White, what is white?
The snow that falls is white.
And black, what is black?
Black is the sky at night.
Let's sing a song about colors.
Let's sing the colors song.
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