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Take Me Out to the Ball Game原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

来源: 最后更新:22-01-23 11:06:01


Take Me Out to the Ball Game原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载,帮助锻炼小孩的英语听力和英语语感,有需要的可以将免费资源下载到百度网盘查看,操作简单快捷。

Take Me Out to the Ball Game原版英文小故事内容:

Ralph and Ilene hadn’t been to a baseball game in about five years. They were only 15 miles from the stadium, but the heavy traffic on game day made those 15 miles seem more like 60 miles. It took about an hour to get to the stadium. Then, when the game was over, it took half an hour just to get out of the parking lot. Then the drive home was another hour. In other words, the traveling took longer than the game itself.

标签: 语感  英文  英语  原版  小故事  



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