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万圣节的由来英文版 万圣节的来历英文版介绍

来源: 最后更新:22-03-31 03:21:06

导读:1、正文More than two thousand years ago, the Christian Church in Europe set November 1 as the day of saints in th


More than two thousand years ago, the Christian Church in Europe set November 1 as the day of saints in the world. Hallow means saint. It is said that Celtic people living in Ireland, Scotland and other places have moved the festival forward one day since 500 BC, that is, October 31.

They think its the day when summer officially ends, that is, the beginning of new year and the beginning of severe winter. At that time, it was believed that the dead soul of the old man would return to his former residence on this day to search for the living spirit in the living man, so as to regenerate, and this was the only hope that the man could obtain regeneration after death.

The living people are afraid of the souls of the dead to seize life, so people put out the fire and candle light on this day, so that the souls of the dead can not find the living people, and they dress up as ghosts to scare the souls of the dead away. After that, they will light up the fire and candles again and start a new years life.





标签: 万圣节的由来英文版  



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