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有深意的唯美英文句子 有深意的唯美英文句子简短

来源: 最后更新:24-07-30 04:21:20

导读:1、很多时候,我们刻骨铭心的记忆,别人却早已忘却,与其纠结于心,不如看轻、看淡。Many times, our deep-seated memory, others have already forgotten, rat


Many times, our deep-seated memory, others have already forgotten, rather than entangled in the heart, it is better to look down on, look down on.


Some things, you hide it in your heart may be better, wait a long time, look back at it, it will become a story.


Life, look down on how much light, pain will leave you how much. Happy because you look down on it; happy because you look down on it.


When you are happy, you have to think that happiness is not eternal. When you suffer, you have to think that the pain is not eternal.

标签: 有深意的唯美英文句子  



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