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my mygo

来源: 最后更新:23-10-27 05:32:14

导读:1、歌词:An empty street空旷的街道;An empty house空旷的房间;a hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中;Im all alone and the rooms 孤


An empty street空旷的街道;

An empty house空旷的房间;

a hole inside my heart 空寂的思念深藏在我的心中;

Im all alone and the rooms 孤孤单单,无尽的孤寂;

are getting smaller 压迫着我;

I wonder how 我想知道怎样;

I wonder why?我想知道是何原因;

I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属;

The days we had?我们在一起的时光;

the songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲;

Oh yeah 噢...耶...

And oh my love?还有你,我的爱人;

Im holding on forever 我始终坚持着;

Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及;

So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝请求;

And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那;

Where the skies are blue to see 那有湛蓝的天空;

you once again,my love 还有你美丽的笑容,我的爱人;

Over seas and coast to coast 飘过大海,翻山越岭;

To find a place I love the most 去寻找一个我最喜欢的地方;

Where the fields are green to see 那有翠绿的草原;

you once again 还有你醉人的眼神;

My love 我的爱人;

I try to read,I go to work?我尝试阅读,我尽力工作;

Im laughing with my friends 我和我的朋友逍遥狂欢;

But I cant stop to 但这一切都不能;

keep myself from thinking 阻止我的幻想;

Oh no...噢;

I wonder how我想知道怎样;

I wonder why我想知道是何原因;

I wonder where they are 我想知道他们的归属;

The days we had,the songs 我们在一起的时光;

we sang together 我们共同吟唱的歌曲;

Oh yeah 哦,耶...;

And oh my love,Im holding on forever 还有你,我的爱人,我始终坚持着;

Reaching for a love that seems so far 得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及;

So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求;

And hope my dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那;

Where the skies are blue 那儿有湛蓝的天空;

to see you once again 还有你美丽的笑容;

my love 我的爱人;

Over seas and coast to coast 飘过大海,翻山越岭;

To find a place I love the most 去找寻一个我最喜欢的地方;

Where the fields are green 还有碧绿的草原上;

to see you once again 看见你的笑容;

To hold you in my arms 我想抱紧你;

To promise you my love 我向你保证,我的爱人;

To tell you from the heart 我绝不是在撒谎;

Youre all Im thinking of 你是我所想的一切;

Im reaching for a love 因为得到一份爱;

that seems so far 却是那样遥不可及;

So I say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求;

And hope my dreams will take me there 并梦想我的梦能带我到那;

Where the skies are blue 那儿有湛蓝的天空;

to see you once again,my love 还有你美丽的笑容,我的爱人;

Over seas and coast to coast 飘过大海,翻山越岭;

To find a place I love the most 去寻找一个我最喜欢的地方;

Where the fields are green 那有翠绿的草原;

to see you once again,my love 还有你醉人的眼神,我的爱人;

Say a little prayer 我稍稍向上帝祈求;

Dreams will take me there 并希望我的梦能带我到那;

Where the skies are blue 那儿有湛蓝的天空;

to see you once again 还有你美丽的笑容;

Over seas and coast to coast 飘过大海,翻山越岭;

To find a place I love the most 去寻找一个我最喜欢的地方;

Where the fields are green 那有翠绿的草原;

to see you once again 和你醉人的眼神;

My love 我的爱人。

2、《My Love》是爱尔兰流行男团西域男孩演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌曲歌词由J?rgen Elofsson、Per Magnusson,大卫·克鲁格、Pelle Nylén共同创作。这首歌收录在他们的第二张录音室专辑《Coastto Coast》中,并作为专辑中的首张单曲,被美国广播唱片公司发布于2000年10月30日。

标签: mylove歌词  



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