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innocence歌曲歌词 innocence歌曲介绍

来源: 最后更新:22-04-08 01:02:48

导读:1、歌词:Waking up I see that everything is ok The first time in my lifeAnd now its so greatSlowing down I look ar


Waking up I see that everything is ok

The first time in my life

And now its so great

Slowing down I look around

And I am so amazed

I think about the little things

That make life great

I wouldnt change a thing about it

This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant

I hope that it will stay

This moment is perfect

Please dont go away

I need you now

And Ill hold on to it

Dont you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe

Not a single tear

The first time in my life

And now its so clear

Feel calm my belong

Im so happy here

Its so strong

And now I let myself be sincere

I wouldnt change a thing about it

This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant

I hope that it will stay

This moment is perfect

Please dont go away

I need you now

And Ill hold on to it

Dont you let it pass you by

Its the state of bliss you think

Youre dreaming

Its the happiness inside

That youre feeling

Its so beautiful

It makes you wanna cry

Its the state of bliss you think

Youre dreaming

Its the happiness inside

That youre feeling

Its so beautiful

It makes you wanna cry

Its so beautiful



It makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant

It makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant

Please dont go away

Cause I need you now

And Ill hold on to it

Dont you let it pass you by

This innocence is brilliant

I hope that it will stay

This moment is perfect

Please dont go away

I need you now

And Ill hold on to it

Dont you let it pass you by

2、《Innocence》是加拿大女歌手艾薇儿·拉维尼(Avril Lavigne)收录于第三张录音室专辑《The Best Damn Thing》的歌曲,于2007年4月17日发行,是专辑第五首也是最后一首正式单曲。

标签: innocence歌曲歌词  



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