来源: 最后更新:22-06-27 07:52:00
EU - EU Member States have voted to close the pigmeat Private Storage Aid Scheme (PSA). The scheme only opened on 4 January 2016.The private storage scheme for pigmeat, operational for 3 weeks, has already taken a substantial amount of pigmeat off the market. The decision to suspend and then close the scheme was taken after the planned volumes of products were reached.The most recent information shows that the total quantity of product put into storage, most of it for a period of five months, was 89,841 tonnes at an estimated cost of 27.6 million.The more meat being stored, the more will return to the market in a few months all at once which risks bringing an imbalance.
标签: 猪肉私有存储援助计划 养猪行情
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