来源: 最后更新:22-06-23 03:38:36
UK - The share of the retail pork price received by producers fell again in February, despite already being at its lowest level in over a decade.Farmgate pig prices continued to fall in February 2016, although the rate of decline has steadied of late, to average 116.66p/kg, the lowest level recorded since March 2008. This was a decline of almost 5p/kg from the previous month.However, over the same period, the average retail price increased by over 1 per cent, leaving it at a similar level to a year earlier. The result of this was that the share of the retail price received by the producer fell again, to 30 per cent, at a time where the percentage share was already at the lowest level seen for over a decade. Compared with the same period last year, the percentage share received by producers has fallen 6 percentage points.
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