来源: 最后更新:22-06-06 05:53:58
UK - Tapping into the lucrative multi-million pound global pig trotters market could be a saving grace for UK agriculture post-Brexit, writes Chris McCullough.If Defra was to reach agreement with countries like China and allow UK processors to export a higher percentage of an animal’s carcass then farmers could benefit financially.During a meeting of the Agri-Food Strategy Board in Northern Ireland, Brexit was described as a pendulum which could swing either as an opportunity or a threat.
克里斯·麦卡洛(Chris McCullough)写道,英国退欧后有机会陷入利润丰厚可达数百万英镑的全球猪蹄市场,这让英国农业看到了脱欧的优势。要是英国环境、食品及农村事务部(Defra)能够与中国这样的国家达成一致,并允许英国加工商向其出口牲畜胴体上的更多部分,那么英国农民最终会受益匪浅。在北爱尔兰农产品战略委员会的会议上,英国退欧问题就像一个钟摆摇晃不定,它对于农业来说,既约摸是机会也约摸是挑战。
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