来源: 最后更新:22-05-13 03:54:29
1、回家英语单词:get home。
2、下班回家至少得花一个小时。It takes at least an hour to get home from work。
3、说实话,能回家我会很高兴。To tell you the truth, Ill be glad to get home。
4、他每天六点回家,非常准时。He is home by six every day regular as clockwork。
5、我害怕在黑夜单独走路回家。Im frightened of walking home alone in the dark。
6、一天结束时上下班的人们正赶着回家。Commuters were heading homeward at the end of the da。
标签: 回家英语单词怎么写
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