怀孕准备 怀孕 分娩 宝宝0-1岁 宝宝1-3岁 宝宝3-6岁


来源: 最后更新:23-05-31 05:37:07

导读:when/while we were having supper,the light went out.我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了.i was walking in the street when someone calle

when/while we were having supper,the light went out.我们正在吃饭时灯熄灭了.

i was walking in the street when someone called me.我正在街上走时突然有人喊我.

while he was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报.

he was cleaning his car while i was cooking.他擦车时我在做饭

tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week.汤姆那一周里每天都是六点钟起床.

john was always coming to school late.约翰上学总是迟到.

lei feng was always doing good deeds for the people.雷锋总是为人民做好事.

i was leaving for wuhan that day.那天我正要去武汉.

she was coming later.她随后就来.

my parents were watching tv at 8:00 last night.昨晚八点钟时我的父母亲都在看电视.

they were swimming in the swimming pool this time last week.上个星期的这个时候他们正在游泳池游泳.

when the teacher came in,i was singing.老师进来时我正在唱歌.

when someone knocked at the door,we were having supper.有人敲门时,我们正在吃晚饭.

he was always ringing me up.他老是给我打电话.

what were you doing at ten yesterday 昨天10点你在干什么?

what were you doing at 8:00 last night 昨晚8:00你在做什么?i was watching tv.我在看电视.

what were you doing at nine last night?昨晚九点时,你在做什么?

i called you yesterday afternoon but there was no answer.昨天下午我打电话给你,但是没有人接电话.

i was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon.我昨天下午大部分时间,都在一个朋友家里.

it was raining hard when i left my office.当我离开办公室时,雨下得正大.

标签: 过去进行时的句子  



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